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Pike Street album

Polly: We moved to Crawfordsville in July of 1969, got into the Elston Homestead, and all slept under the same roof for the first time in a week or so.  I got up in the morning hoping and wondering what they were doing, because the boys had gotten up even earlier, and looked out the window and there were seventeen bicycles in the yard and all the girls and boys had come to see the two new boys.  And it was fine.


Thaddeus:  And then within a day or two there was a sort of hands-on focus because some company had hired some person to get kids to assemble plastic telescopes to be favors to go in cereal boxes, and they got a nickel for ten, or something like that, and our house became the sort of work room for kids who were assembling...I still remember they were red plastic tubes, and they must have done 50,000 of them.  For a week we had nothing but telescopes.


"Lola thought the living room should be dark green so she went to a paint store on Madison Avenue and got four gallons of paint mixed up.  She and Whit and brought it out on the train when they came for Thanksgiving."

Thaddeus, 8/3/2018  


Editor's Note: The shade of green was exactly the one Lola, whose style was heavily influenced by Dorothy Draper, had used in the living room on Sullivan Street and later at 40 Fifth Avenue.

1975,.  Abigail turns 8--the framed quilt in the background now hangs in the laundry room on Summerfield Road.


Pike Street kitchen 1969 with the Hanover Bicentennial ribbons in the background.  The hanging lamp was  a gift from Phil and Libby Thayer and hung in the kitchen at 13 Choate Road before the move to Crawfordsville.

Family room, 1974, with the marble-topped table, spool cabinet, and goddess statue.  The goddess statue is now in Thaddeus's bathroom.

Kitchen, 1974, with copperware.

Dining room c. 1969 with some of Mike's paintings on the wall.

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