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Mennonite Prayer

mennonite prayer_edited.jpg

Katie hand copied this prayer and T. made the frame and cut the mat in the wood shop at the University of Wisconsin.  Polly reports that when she showed it to her old friend Libby Thayer she said "That's not how you treat bread, you beat it and you punch it, and you push it around!"

When T. and I moved to Madison, where T. began graduate school, we became affiliated with St. Paul's Catholic community, the University's Catholic church, right across from the library.  That's the church where we were ultimately married.  One of the ministries you could sign up for was to bake unleavened bread--instead of using the manufactured communion wafers, they had people follow a particular recipe and say this prayer and bake bread and then that was the bread that was consecrated.  It was more real than the flat hosts that are sort of like Necco wafers and have no taste--this bread had honey in it so it actually tasted pretty good.  This was very unusual for a Catholic church but we thought it was just beautiful and I participated in that ministry for awhile.  The church was very aware of symbols and they had taken the communion rail that had once separated the priest from the parishioners and hung the rail over the front door, so right as you walked into the church you were in community with everybody, and the priest and people were all as one.  As a part of that we gave communion to each other--I've never seen another church.


Katie 7/4/2018




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