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Polly: Another gift, along with the two little prints, from Whit—he was upgrading us, helping us to feel like homeowners and tasteful art lovers. Whit liked prints.  Dad has been once in a balloon and never again--I think it’s not necessarily a happy reminder. 


Liz:  It was that balloon ride where you met the Frenchman, I can’t remember his name…


Polly:  P… P….It wasn’t Pierre


Liz: Who lived in a tent in your back yard for awhile.


Polly:  Did he?


Liz:  Well, at least when we all came home for Thanksgiving you moved him out into a tent in the back yard.  This was when you were over on Lakewood Drive, and I remember as we came in for Thanksgiving having Dad say, “Oh, and just so you know, there’s a Frenchman in a tent in the back yard on the other side of the pool.”  I think he took great pleasure in telling us that.  P…. P…  All I can think of is Thierry, which I know is not right.


Polly: Patrice!


Liz: Patrice!  Good for you, yes.  Patrice.



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