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Olympic Trials

"Getting ready for the Olympic Rowing Trial Finals in 1948. We (Princeton - I rowed #3) came in third behind Cal, which went on to win the Gold Medal in London. Their coach was Ky Ebright (whose name will be familiar to readers of The Boys in the Boat). BTW Harvard (2nd) was coached by Tom Bolles, also in TBITB)."  Thaddeus 10/2/2014



"I had rowed as a freshman.  It was right after the war--later on it became that freshmen couldn't row in the varsity, so in any meet there would be three races: the varsity, the junior varsity, and the freshmen, but in 1946 I was eligible to row in the JV.  In the JV our crew won the Eastern Amateur Rowing Association championship and I won thirteen shirts, and that was huge."  Thaddeus 4/16/18



Thaddeus went on to coach rowing at Dartmouth until crew became a varsity sport.

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