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James Leonard Vickers, "Uncle Bud"

Lola didn't like her older brother much; the two stories she told about him were that she never learned to swim because he would hold her under water until she ran out of breath, and she couldn't abide cats because he would stand on a chair and drop a cat on her head when she came into the dining room.  Bud was an alcoholic who eventually took his own life but he also had a successful medical career and was married for sometime to fellow doctor Margaret Craighill, who among other things became the first woman commissioned in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. 


Uncle Bud was head of the surgery division of Greenwich Hospital, or something like that.  We had this funny pattern—I don’t know how often it was, but it seemed quite often, that we would drive up to see him in the Packard.  Mike and I would play in his office and he had, I remember, a roller with rolls of adhesive tape of different widths and we would play with that—I remember Mike taping my mouth shut one time.  He had a Dictaphone, the old kind that worked with a wax cylinder, and he came down to The Farm to visit fairly often.

--Thaddeus, 8/3/2018

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